The Art of Motorcycle Cornering: Essential Cornering Tips

The Art of Motorcycle Cornering: Essential Cornering Tips

Motorcycling is a thrilling and liberating experience, and mastering the art of cornering is an essential skill for any rider. Proper cornering techniques not only enhance your safety but also boost your confidence and control over your motorcycle. In this blog post, we'll explore some indispensable cornering tips that will help you navigate those curves with precision and grace.

  1. Look Where You Want to Go: One of the most crucial aspects of cornering is to look ahead in the direction you want to go. Your motorcycle will naturally follow your line of sight, so focus your gaze on the exit of the turn. Avoid fixating on obstacles or the road surface directly in front of you, as this may lead to target fixation and compromised control.

  2. Slow In, Fast Out: The golden rule of cornering is to enter the turn at an appropriate speed and gradually increase it as you exit. Approach the curve at a safe speed, allowing you to assess the road conditions and maintain control. As you exit the turn, gently apply throttle to accelerate smoothly and maintain stability.

  3. Proper Body Positioning: Achieving the correct body positioning while cornering is vital for stability and control. Keep your upper body relaxed and upright, with your head and eyes level. Shift your weight slightly towards the inside of the turn by pressing on the foot peg on the side you're leaning towards. This helps to counterbalance the motorcycle's lean and improves traction.

  4. Smooth and Progressive Braking: Braking while cornering should be done smoothly and progressively to avoid upsetting the balance of the bike. Ideally, the majority of your braking should be completed before entering the turn, with gentle trail braking or light maintenance braking applied as necessary. Sudden or excessive braking mid-turn can cause instability and reduce traction.

  5. Gradual and Controlled Throttle Control: A well-controlled throttle is crucial for maintaining balance and stability during cornering. Apply throttle gently and progressively as you exit the turn to transfer weight to the rear tire and improve traction. Abrupt throttle inputs can cause the bike to lurch or lose grip, leading to potentially hazardous situations.

  6. Choose the Correct Line: Selecting the proper line through a corner is essential for smooth and safe riding. As a general rule, take a wide entry and apex, and then gradually widen your line as you exit the turn. This allows for a smoother trajectory, maximizes visibility, and optimizes the available space on the road.

  7. Adapt to Road Conditions: Always adapt your cornering technique to the road and weather conditions. Be cautious of wet or slippery surfaces, loose gravel, and debris that can affect traction. Adjust your speed, lean angle, and braking accordingly to maintain control and ensure your safety.



Becoming proficient at cornering is an ongoing learning process that requires practice and experience. By following these essential cornering tips, you'll enhance your skills, confidence, and safety on the road. Remember to always ride within your abilities and never underestimate the importance of continuous improvement through training and practice. So gear up, get out there, and enjoy the exhilaration of mastering the art of motorcycle cornering!

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